Saturday, March 11, 2006

A Lawyer in Hell

 A lawyer died and was sent to hell for his numerous misdeeds. Satan decided to 
give him a guided tour and let him choose the room he wanted to stay in for all 
The first room Satan brought him to be full of people standing on their heads 
in four feet of hot coals. The lawyer decided that such living conditions were 
not for him. 
Next, Satan showed him a second room filled with lost souls standing on their 
heads in four feet of sharp ice cubes. The lawyer said he was sensitive to cold 
and could not spend eternity this way. 
Satan then showed the lawyer the final room. This room had countless sinners 
and criminals standing upright in four feet of cow dung. All the people were 
drinking coffee. Although the stench was overpowering, the lawyer liked the 
sight of coffee and decided upon this room. 
Five minutes after Satan locked the lawyer into his final abode, the 
supervising demon walked into the crowd and shouted, and “Coffee break is over! 

Everyone back on their heads!"


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