Thursday, April 06, 2006


Three young women wanted to become Nuns and be married to the church for the 
rest of their lives. So they went to the priest in charge and asked how they 
could become nuns. He replied that each one of them would have to take an 
oath.....and do one last horrible thing before they were officially a nun. He 
also said they had one day to complete this deed. They returned the following 
day. The priest asked the first nun what she had done and she told him that she 
had robbed a liquor store and gotten drunk than she had ever been. The priest 
smiled and said, "Well done; now you may go drink from the holy water." 
Then he asked the second women what she had done. She replied, "I stole a 
car." The priest smiled and said, "Well done; now you may go drink from the holy 
Finally, he asked the last woman what she had done. She replied, "......I peed 
in the holy water" 



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